Discover Monthly Rituals and Spells to Enrich Your Practice
Monthly Rituals and Spell Work for Your Practice
This is where you will find your monthly rituals as well as any special rituals, circles, or spells we will be doing for the current month.
July Ritual for Freedom and Independence
Ritual for freedom and Independence
Gather some items that represent freedom and independence to you, such as a flag, a feather, a key, a passport, etc.
Find a spacious and open spot where you can feel free and independent.
Arrange the items in a circle around you and stand in the center.
Raise your arms and say: "I claim my freedom and independence. I honor my choices and actions. I celebrate my individuality and uniqueness."
Take one item at a time and hold it in your hands. Say what it means to you and how it helps you to be free and independent. For example: "This flag represents my country and my identity. It reminds me of the values and rights that I have as a citizen. It helps me to be proud and patriotic."
Place the item back in the circle and repeat with the other items.
When you are done, say: "Thank you for these symbols of freedom and independence. Thank you for the opportunities and challenges that they bring to my life."
Step out of the circle and say: "I am free and independent. I am strong and confident. I am ready and willing."
Litha Ritual: Celebrate the Summer Solstice
Litha Ritual
Items Needed:
- Altar with candles, herbs, crystals, and other appropriate symbols and tools
- A bonfire or a cauldron fire
- A fresh flower wreath
- A chalice with water
- A bowl with salt
- A white or red candle
Opening the Circle:
1. Gather everyone in the circle and invite them to stand facing inward.
2. Light the candles on the altar, and walking around the circle clockwise three times, say: "We gather here tonight to celebrate the summer solstice and the power of the sun. We create this sacred space to welcome the light, energy, and growth of the season."
3. Once you have returned to your starting point, say: "The circle is now cast. May this space be blessed and protected, and may only love and light enter here."
1. Invite the spirits of Litha to join the circle by saying: "Spirits of Litha, we invite you into our sacred space. Join us as we honor the power of the sun and the energy of the summer season."
2. Allow a few minutes for everyone to meditate or focus on inviting the spirits in.
3. When ready, say: "Welcome, spirits of Litha. We honor you and invite you to bless us with your presence."
Ritual Activities:
1. Begin by lighting the bonfire or the cauldron fire, symbolizing the light and energy of the sun, and the cycles of life, death, and rebirth.
2. Have each participant take a turn to approach the altar, holding the fresh flower wreath, and offering words of gratitude, intention, or dedication to the sun and to the energies of the season.
3. One by one, each participant can sprinkle a little salt into the chalice of water, signifying the purification and cleansing of the energies of the season.
4. Have everyone light the white or red candle, representing the sun, and have each person express how they will keep the light and energy of the sun within them as they move forward in the summer season.
5. Hold hands in a circle and focus on the energy, growth, and vibrancy of the season, channeling positivity and light into the universe.
Closing the Circle:
1. Thank the spirits of Litha for their presence and guidance by saying: "Spirits of Litha, we thank you for joining our circle and for blessing us with your light and energy. May the gifts of the season continue to inspire and guide us through the cycles of life, death, and rebirth."
2. Walking around the circle counterclockwise three times, say: "The circle is now open. May the light and energy of the sun continue to bless and guide us through the summer season."
3. Blow out the candles on the altar and have a moment of silence before disbanding the circle.
Lughnasadh Ritual: Honoring the First Harvest
- Set up the altar with a yellow or amber candle, seasonal fruits and vegetables, a loaf of bread, and a chalice of water.
- Arrange the circle with four elemental candles at the quarters (North, East, South, West).
- Have each participant bring a small piece of corn or wheat to offer.
- Light the yellow or amber candle on the altar and say: "We gather on this day of Lughnasadh, the first of the harvest festivals, to honor the abundance of the season and give thanks for the blessings of the earth. So mote it be."
- Light each of the elemental candles and say: "We call upon the elements of earth, air, fire, and water to join us in this sacred space. Guardians of the watchtowers, hear our call and lend us your strength. So mote it be."
- Hold the chalice of water and say: "Water, sacred element of purification, wash away all impurities and negativity from our bodies and spirits. Blessed be."
- Pass the chalice around the circle to allow each participant to take a sip and say a personal prayer or affirmation.
- Say: "We call upon the Sun God Lugh, the master of all crafts, to join us in this circle and bless our harvest. May his light shine upon us, and may we find inspiration in his wisdom. So mote it be."
- Each participant can offer their piece of corn or wheat to honor Lugh and his role as the giver of abundance.
Blessing of the Harvest:
- Hold up the loaf of bread and say: "We give thanks to the earth for her bounty, and for all the fruits and grains that sustain us. Bless this bread and infuse it with your love and abundance, so that we may share in your blessings. Blessed be."
- Break the bread into pieces and offer it around the circle, along with the seasonal fruits and vegetables.
- Hold hands and say: "We give thanks to the elements, to Lugh, and to the earth for their presence and blessings in this circle. As we leave this sacred space, let us carry their abundance and love with us always. So mote it be."
- Extinguish the candles and thank the elements as you close the circle.
Showcase Your Rituals for Our Upcoming Classes
Do you have a great ritual?
If you have a ritual that you would like to share with us for review and potential use in this years classes. Click on the Summon us button and send us a message with the full ritual. (Items needed, steps, Incantations, other useful information needed to execute your ritual) If your ritual is selected you will be notified by River Blue administration. please only submit Rituals you are comfortable sharing with the full student roster.
Step-by-Step Guide for Effective Personal Rituals
Use this order when clensing before personal rituals
Return to sender
Call back your power
Cord cutting
Return all the negative being sent your way, call back your power that's been stolen from you then Cleanse to remove the negative that's been attached to you, finally the last step is cut all ties from those that have attached the negative to you or that have been stealing your power....if you do the cord cutting first and then call back or return you are creating another thread to the individual that has attached or stolen from you. Return all the negative sent to you first and then Clensing so that your intentions and your power don't have to fight the negative to get through in your magical process
Return to Sender: A Powerful Energy Cleansing Spell
**Spell Supplies:**
- A small mirror
- A black candle
- A white candle
- A small piece of paper
- A pen or marker
- A heat-proof dish or cauldron
- Protective herbs (such as sage, rosemary, or basil)
- Protective crystals (such as black tourmaline or amethyst)
- Matches or a lighter
**Ritual Steps:**
1. Set up your sacred space: Find a quiet and undisturbed area where you can perform the ritual. Arrange the black candle, white candle, mirror, paper, and protective herbs and crystals in front of you.
2. Cleanse the space: Light the protective herbs and allow the smoke to fill the space, purifying it. Visualize any negative energy dissipating and being replaced with positive and protective energy.
3. Ground yourself: Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Visualize a white light surrounding you, forming a protective shield.
4. Write your intention: On the small piece of paper, write the name of the person or entity from whom you want to return the negative energy. Be specific about your intention to send back what does not serve your highest good. Visualize the negative energy being sealed within the paper.
5. Activate the mirror: Hold the mirror in your hands and imagine it becoming a powerful shield. Visualize it reflecting back any negative energy that comes your way.
6. Light the candles: Light the black candle to represent the negative energy you wish to return. Light the white candle to symbolize the positive energy and protection surrounding you.
7. Speak your intention: Hold the piece of paper over the black candle flame, allowing it to catch fire. Carefully place the burning paper into the heat-proof dish or cauldron, saying aloud: "I return this negative energy to its source. May it be transformed and resolved."
8. Visualize protection: Visualize the negative energy being transformed into positive energy and returning to its source. See yourself surrounded by a protective shield that repels any further negative energy.
9. Invoke protection: Take the protective herbs and circle them around yourself and the mirror, stating: "With this circle of protection, I am shielded from harm. May only love and positivity enter my space."
10. Place the protective crystals: Put the protective crystals near the mirror, envisioning them amplifying the protective energy and creating a barrier against negativity.
11. Express gratitude: Thank the universe, your guides, or any deities you work with for their assistance and protection.
12. Close the ritual: Safely extinguish the candles, starting with the black candle to symbolize the end of the return to sender process.
Remember to always perform spells and rituals with respect and caution. Adapt and personalize them according to your beliefs and preferences.
Reclaim Your Power with This Empowering Ritual!
**Spell Supplies:**
- A white candle
- A black candle
- Matches or a lighter
- A small piece of paper
- A pen or marker
- A heat-proof dish or cauldron
- Protective herbs (such as sage, rosemary, or lavender)
- Protective crystals (such as clear quartz or citrine)
**Ritual Steps:**
1. Set up your sacred space: Find a quiet and undisturbed area where you can perform the ritual. Arrange the white candle, black candle, paper, pen, heat-proof dish, protective herbs, and crystals in front of you.
2. Cleanse the space: Light the protective herbs and allow the smoke to fill the space, purifying it. Visualize any stagnant or negative energy being cleared away, creating a space of clarity and empowerment.
3. Ground yourself: Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Feel your connection with the Earth beneath you, drawing strength and stability from it.
4. Write your intention: On the small piece of paper, write a statement that represents your intention to call back your power. Be specific and heartfelt, expressing your desire to reclaim your personal strength and sovereignty.
5. Light the candles: Light the white candle to symbolize purification, clarity, and divine guidance. Light the black candle to represent the release of any external influences or limitations that have diminished your power.
6. Recite your intention: Hold the paper with your written intention in your hands and read it aloud with conviction. Visualize your power returning to you, filling your being with strength, confidence, and self-empowerment.
7. Burn the paper: Carefully ignite the paper with the black candle flame and place it into the heat-proof dish. As it burns, visualize any remaining obstacles or energy drains being released and transformed.
8. Embrace your power: Close your eyes and imagine a brilliant light surrounding you, radiating from within. Feel your personal power returning, filling every cell of your being. Affirm, "I am reclaiming my power. I am strong, confident, and deserving of my own sovereignty."
9. Invoke protection: Take the protective herbs and circle them around yourself, envisioning a shield of protective energy forming around you. Feel the support and safeguarding of the herbs and crystals.
10. Express gratitude: Thank the universe, your guides, or any deities you work with for their assistance in reclaiming your power. Express gratitude for the strength and empowerment that is now filling your life.
11. Close the ritual: Safely extinguish the candles, starting with the black candle to symbolize the completion of releasing external influences. Reflect on the newfound power within you and carry it forward into your life.
Remember to always perform spells and rituals with respect and caution. Adapt and personalize them according to your beliefs and preferences.
Experience Renewal: Egg Cleansing Ritual Guide
1. Gather your supplies: You will need a fresh, uncooked egg, a small bowl, a white candle, matches, and a quiet space where you can perform the ritual undisturbed.
2. Set the mood: Light the white candle and create a calm and peaceful atmosphere in the room.
3. Ground yourself: Take a few deep breaths, center your mind, and focus on your intention for the egg cleanse.
4. Cleanse the egg: Hold the egg in your hands and visualize any negative energy or unwanted influences being absorbed by the egg. Imagine the egg becoming filled with positive and healing energy.
5. Begin the cleanse: Starting at the top of your head, slowly and gently rub the egg all over your body in a downward motion. As you do this, imagine any negative energy or blockages being transferred from your body to the egg. Take your time and be thorough.
6. Finish the cleanse: Once you have completed rubbing the egg over your entire body, place it gently in the bowl. Allow the egg to sit undisturbed for a few minutes, as it absorbs any residual negative energy.
7. Reading the egg: After the egg has rested in the bowl, carefully examine it. Look for any unusual patterns, colors, or textures on the eggshell. These may indicate areas of concern or energetic imbalances. Trust your intuition as you interpret the signs.
8. Interpretation: There are different methods to interpret the egg's signs. One common approach is to crack the egg into a clear glass of water. Observe the way the yolk and egg white disperse in the water. Pay attention to any shapes or formations they create. These can provide insights into your energetic state. Alternatively, you can consult a practitioner experienced in egg readings for a more in-depth interpretation.
9. Cleansing the egg: Once you have finished reading the egg, dispose of it in a respectful manner. Many choose to bury it in the earth or release it into a moving body of water, symbolizing the release of negative energy.
Remember, this ritual is meant to be a spiritual practice and should be performed with respect and intention. Adapt and personalize it according to your beliefs and preferences.
Free Yourself: Effective Cord Cutting Ritual Techniques
**Spell Supplies:**
- A long piece of cord, string, or ribbon (preferably in a color that symbolizes release or healing to you)
- A pair of scissors
- A small white candle
- Matches or a lighter
- Protective herbs (such as sage, rosemary, or lavender)
- Protective crystals (such as black tourmaline or obsidian)
**Ritual Steps:**
1. Set up your sacred space: Find a quiet and undisturbed area where you can perform the ritual. Arrange the cord, scissors, white candle, protective herbs, and crystals in front of you.
2. Cleanse the space: Light the protective herbs and allow the smoke to fill the space, purifying it. Visualize any energetic attachments or cords being cleared away, creating a space of release and freedom.
3. Ground yourself: Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Feel your connection with the Earth beneath you, drawing stability and strength from it.
4. Set your intention: Hold the cord in your hands and set your intention to release any unhealthy attachments or energetic cords that no longer serve your highest good. Be clear about what you are ready to let go of.
5. Light the white candle: The white candle represents purity, healing, and the illumination of truth. Light it as a symbol of the light that will guide you through the cord cutting process.
6. Visualize the cords: Close your eyes and visualize the energetic cords that you wish to sever. See them clearly in your mind's eye, visualizing their color, texture, and the way they connect to you.
7. Cut the cords: With the scissors, carefully cut the cord into pieces, symbolizing the severing of the energetic attachments. As you do this, say aloud: "I release and let go of all unhealthy attachments that no longer serve my highest good. I am free."
8. Affirm your freedom: Hold the pieces of the cord in your hands and affirm your newfound freedom and independence. Declare, "I am no longer bound by these cords. I am free to move forward and create my own path."
9. Invoke protection: Take the protective herbs and circle them around yourself, envisioning a shield of protective energy forming around you. Feel the support and safeguarding of the herbs and crystals.
10. Express gratitude: Thank the universe, your guides, or any deities you work with for their assistance in the cord cutting process. Express gratitude for the release and freedom you have claimed.
11. Close the ritual: Safely extinguish the candle, symbolizing the completion of the cord cutting process. Reflect on the newfound freedom and release in your life, embracing the space it creates for new beginnings.
Remember to always perform spells and rituals with respect and caution. Adapt and personalize them according to your beliefs and preferences.